Election season is here, and let’s face it—emotions are running hot. But before you jump into the fray, there’s one thing that can save your sanity: pause.
Mastering the pause is your secret weapon for staying cool, calm, and kind during heated political conversations or any situation actually. Here are four quick brain hacks to help you pause and keep things civil this election season:
1. The 3-Second Rule
Before reacting to that fiery comment, count to three. This simple pause gives you time to cool down and respond thoughtfully instead of impulsively.
2. Breathe In, Breathe Out
Feel your blood pressure rising? Take a few deep breaths. Try the 4-7-8 method:
- Inhale for 4 seconds,
- Hold for 7 seconds,
- Exhale for 8 seconds.
This calms your nerves, hacks the brain and changes the energy in your body and in the room.
3. Focus on What You Can Control
You can’t fix everything during election season. Focus on what you can control—your words, actions, and mindset. Let the rest go. Politics takes patience.
4. Be Kind (Even When It’s Hard)
Kindness is powerful, even when you disagree. It sets the tone for more civil conversations and reminds us that we’re all in this together.
This election season, take a breath, pause, and remember to be cool, calm, and kind. Your sanity will thank you!
Oh and if a conversation gets too heated or isn’t going anywhere, try saying,
“I think we both care deeply about this, thanks for sharing your perspective!”
Takeaway: These are simple, kind ways to step away while keeping the peace. By using these tools, we can transform tough moments into opportunities for growth, connection, and self-awareness!
We find a lot of inspiration in our work because there are so many tools and resources in our world class knowledge. We look forward to sharing more with you. To learn more about GiGi & the Creative Coping Toolkit our film and evidence based mental health literacy program, Click HERE - 20 mins might change your life.
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