Our Impact - Survey Results

Our iMPACTFUL surveys are just one way our team gets to communicate with our customers to make sure we understand the impact our Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) is having on individuals and communities around the world as we continue to update and diversify our toolkit. There's one thing that's clear from the results - our Creative Coping Toolkit is making a positive and impactful difference in individual lives and communities just like yours! 

Here at iMPACTFUL, we believe in transparency, and we're excited to share more information on how our CCT is making an impact, and creating a space for communities (just like yours) to grow, learn, and evolve.


Click here to view full survey results - ANGST


Click here to view full survey results - RTBH


Click here to view full survey results - The Upstanders


Click here to view full survey results - LIKE

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