
What is the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT)?
A turnkey film and evidence-based mental health and wellness education program for educators, students and their families.

The Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) is a proven, award-winning film and evidence-based mental health literacy program for educators, students, employees and their families. It addresses anxiety, suicide, bullying, loneliness, online safety, and belonging. It is appropriate for ages 10 yrs to 100 yrs. Younger kids can watch but they might get bored. Because it is film based it is popular, powerful and positive. We educate through stories and include the brain science behind it all. See our impact survey results.


How does the CCT work?
People love movies. Stories help share information in a way that we remember.

The Creative Coping Toolkit consists of of over 300 assets, 80% of which are film based. It houses an array of world class, expert-approved tools and resources, all embedded within an easy-to-navigate online dashboard. These features include 5 films (all under an hour), as well as a variety of creative, evidence-based activities, reflection prompts, and discussion guides designed to teach individuals to explore, identify, and express their emotions and regulate feelings so they can navigate life and be able to reach out for help. It includes art therapy techniques, test-your-knowledge quizzes, games, writing exercises, brain hacks, mindfulness practices, easy-to-implement tips, and more.

Often used as part of Tier I and Tier II support strategies, Appropriate for ages 10+.  Younger kids in K-4 can participate in the facilitated program.

Who is the CCT for?
Everyone. We have different dashboards for Schools (educators, students & families), Corporations (employees & families) and Government agencies (active members, veterans and their families).

The Creative Coping Toolkit is for anyone who wants to safely explore creative avenues as a means of coping with stress, anxiety, bullying, loneliness or other emotional challenges. It is suitable for individuals of all ages. It can be used in a facilitated group setting like a classroom, staff meeting, teacher training, parent education or as a self-guided program at home. We all need to get educated about mental health and the brain science behind it.

How can the CCT benefit me?
Provide better understanding of what you or someone might be feeling or going through and guide you on a safe course of action.

The power of film stems from people's ability to relate to, and see themselves in, the stories they watch. This experience opens up space to have honest and reflective conversations, which have numerous benefits for our mental and emotional well-being, as well as for community growth and connection. The CCT provides an outlet for self-expression, stress relief, emotional processing, and personal growth. It can also help foster mindfulness, boost self-esteem, and enhance problem-solving skills. Using the CCT for individuals, families and as a community strengthens curiosity, compassion, and empathy for one another. It’s ideal for family involvement, team building, professional development, classroom learning, and positively transforming communities. 

Can the CCT really drive thoughtful and respectful connections?
Yes, Storytelling which is the foundation of the CCT lays the groundwork for starting vulnerable conversations, building deeper relationships, and creating lasting change.

Absolutely. Films are powerful because they create water cooler moments that connect us and allow for us to reflect and share about our lives, while also opening us up to different perspectives and new ways of seeing the world. When we relate to stories, we feel seen and less alone. Storytelling lays the groundwork for starting vulnerable conversations, building deeper relationships, and creating lasting change. We provide a wealth of support tools to effectively guide reflection and discussion after viewing to build, bond and bridge community. 

The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the  Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community. 2023

Vivek H. Murthy, M.D., M.B.A. 19th and 21st Surgeon General of the United States Vice Admiral, United States Public Health Service


"Loneliness and isolation represent profound threats to our health and well-being. But we have the power to respond. By taking small steps every day to strengthen our relationships, and by supporting community efforts to rebuild social connection, we can rise to meet this moment together. We can build lives and communities that are healthier and happier. And we can ensure our country and the world are better poised than ever to take on the challenges that lay ahead. Our future depends on what we do today."

Who created the CCT?
Scilla Andreen wanted to learn more about mental health after the tragic loss of a childhood friend and several young people dying by suicide.

The Creative Coping Toolkit is the brainchild of CEO, filmmaker, costume designer and author, Scilla Andreen. Who wanted to learn more about mental health after the tragic loss of a childhood friend and several young people dying by suicide. 

Over the years it has grown into a robust mental health education program in partnership and collaboration with key experts from behavioral health, neuroscience, medical,and educational institutions from around the world. For more information about our partners, please visit

This program was built on the contributions, insight and feedback of hundreds of caring, intelligent, professionals and institutions who want to make sure everyone has access to quality mental health and wellness education so people feel seen and heard and know they matter and belong from the classroom to the board room to the living room. 

This program is ultimately created by the people for the people. Educating through stories.

What makes the CCT evidence-based?
The information in the films, learning bursts, and activities are based in CBT and DBT. The program is tied to ISCA and ASCA student standards.

The Creative Coping Toolkit was created with key experts from mental health, brain science, medical and education institutions from around the world, and is based on up-to-date scientific data and leading research findings from CASEL, ISCA ASCA, WHO, Forefront, Commonsense Media, Child Mind Institute, Seattle Children's Hospital, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin Healthy Minds, Stanford Compassion Institute and SAMHSA. For more information about our partners, please visit Also, the Creative Coping Toolkit includes extensive assessment tools and analytics to measure impact and guide updates. Our strategies collect both qualitative and quantitative feedback. 

How many schools use the CCT?
Thousands across the United States and many more in over 50 countries.

Thousands of schools and dozens of companies and government agencies have implemented our program in their communities. We have impacted 5+ million people. 

How can I access the CCT?
Request a preview link and explore on your own. Go to "Request a Demo"

Request a Demo to access the Creative Coping Toolkit, you can visit the website and follow the instructions provided. The program is delivered through a turnkey, intuitive dashboard that allows you to explore at your own pace. Our latest addition to the program, GiGi an AI assistant makes navigating the program fun, educational and incredibly supportive for educators and parents. A community license is required to access the CCT. If you are interested in bringing it to your own community, please reach out. We are here for you.  If your school or community does have an active license with us, and you are an educator, parent, or facilitator, please contact us for additional support in accessing and implementing the program. 

Do I need to have any artistic skills or experience to use the CCT?
No not at all. If you love movies your all good!

While it is called a creative coping toolkit it is not really for artists. So, no, you do not need any artistic skills or experience. If you are a breathing human being on the planet you are a creative. We make creative choices every day in our lives and that is why it is called the creative coping toolkit. We create our lives. We create our relationships. We create our experience.  All you have to do is watch the films and explore the evidence-based, activities. the program is designed to be accessible and inclusive, welcoming individuals of all ages who are curious to learn more about their own mental and physical health and well-being. 

Is there a cost associated with the CCT?
Yes we have to charge a license fee. The amount is determined by total student population and length of the license. The most popular license is one year. This fee also includes the families.

The cost of the Creative Coping Toolkit varies on the size of your community, length of time of access, and which film programs you decide to access with your license. Please reach out to us directly at to preview the program and get community-specific licensing fees. Price per student (which includes their families) starts as low as $0.50 per month per student for unlimited use for one school year. This price includes families. 

Can I just rent a one-time viewing and watch the movies?
Yes but over 90% of our one time screenings request longer access the movies are evergreen and people like to watch multiple times. They create a safe space to have these conversations.

The Creative Coping Toolkit is designed for long-term and community-based engagement. We recommend viewing the movies as a group and then leading into conversations and activities. This is our best-use strategy for deepening learning and impact. We offer 24-hour, one-month, and year-long licensing for communities and schools. If you are a Microsoft Employee you can access the program through your Perks+ Lifestyle program. We also offer individual therapists licenses. 

Why aren't these movies on Netflix or iNDIEFLIX?
Watching in community is the key to the CCT. After watching the most powerful part of the process is talking about it and making deeper connections. We want to use stories to help communities.

Angst, LIKE, The Upstanders, and RACE to Be Human are all core components of a much bigger evidence-based mental health literacy program. We have learned that having access through a community creates a greater and more meaningful impact. Watching the movies is a great step, yet we highly recommend using all the tools and resources in the Creative Coping Toolkit to ensure successful retention of key lessons to strengthen personal growth outcomes. All aspects of the toolkit pair with, and build upon, one another. And our latest addition GiGi our AI assistant makes exploring the toolkit fun and easy. 

Does iMPACTFUL provide facilitator training and/or implementation support for the CCT?
Yes. Our newest feature GiGi helps create just about any kind of training program you can think of and help onboard entire districts. We also have an engagement team at the ready to help.

Yes! Our Engagement Team is available throughout the duration of your licensing to support implementation of the Creative Coping Toolkit. Additionally, we offer facilitator training (included) that provides a brief overview of navigating the CCT and, more importantly, emphasizes that the facilitator’s role is that of providing a safe space, rather than being a mental health expert. We have seen that these sessions promote teacher buy-in by showing the ease in using the CCT and bring relief that they are not alone when teaching about mental health. 

How do you measure the impact of the CCT in a community and do users have access to these tools as well?

The Creative Coping Toolkit has an online dashboard that includes interactive, embedded assessment tools and impact analytics. For facilitators, the results are password protected and available on a live-updated Engagement Report on this dashboard. Impact measurements include click rates of CCT tools, number of film views, cumulative test-your-knowledge quizzes, pre- and post-checks to measure impact for chapter modules, post-viewing survey, and more. 

Can we share the CCT with families at home?
Yes you can absolutely share with the families of students and staff. This is the intention!

Yes, if you are a student or employee affiliated with a licensing school or organization, you can absolutely share with the families. This is the intention! We recommend involving everyone in your school community: parents, teachers, students, coaches, counselors, and administrators. The lessons in the toolkit are most impactful when reinforced by all members of the community. Why? Many of the issues addressed by the CCT affect students in and outside of the classroom. 

Can I share the CCT with others?
Only those in your household as the program is geo blocked by community.

The sharing and distribution of the CCT may be subject to copyright restrictions. It is best to review the terms and conditions of use provided by to determine whether sharing the toolkit with others is permissible outside of your community. 


Can I use techniques from the CCT in a therapeutic setting?
Many therapists, behavioral health organizations and hospitals have used the Creative Coping Toolkit as part of their practice.

While the Creative Coping Toolkit incorporates elements of film and activities based in CBT and DBT,  art therapy, brain hacks and other therapeutic approaches, it is not a substitute for professional therapy or counseling. If you are a therapist or mental health professional, it is important to adapt the techniques and exercises in accordance with your professional guidelines and ethical standards. Many therapists, pediatricians and behavioral health organizations use the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) as part of their practice. 

Please feel free to consult the official website or contact us directly for up-to-date information about the Creative Coping Toolkit program.

Is the CCT a standalone program, or does it require additional support?
It is a stand alone program but pairs well with other programs and services. The CCT is great at driving awareness and engagement to other offerings.

The CCT is a standalone resource, offering a range of easy-to-implement tools and self-guided exercises to support your well-being. However, seeking additional support from health professionals or participating in therapy alongside the toolkit is even more beneficial. It's also a great companion program to drive engagement with existing programs and benefits. 

Is the CCT triggering?
Every one is wired differently. What we hear is the program and the films bring a great sense of relief and solidarity to individuals and communities.

After several thousand group screenings and individual viewings, we have learned that the CCT brings a sense of relief. However, all individuals react differently to other people’s stories. Some groups will identify a professional as a resource in the community after showing the film as a layer of support. We recommend following up with a continued conversation to help normalize talking about our mental health; it's as important as our physical health.  

Are there subtitles?
Yes many! And the whole program is translated into Spanish with more languages in the works.

Yes, all of our programs are subtitled in multiple languages with more being added as requested. The CCT includes a Spanish-language version of the platform, which includes translated resources and activities, as well as subtitled films. 

How is user privacy protected, including personal information of students?
We use a universal login to protect privacy and we are COPPA, FERPA and CIPA compliant.

The CCT is COPPA, FERPA and CIPA-compliant. We do not collect any personal information including the name and contact, of students. Our impact tools gauge impact based on a community-wide approach, ensuring anonymity and personal privacy. Many of our resources have downloadable and printable versions if an educator or facilitator would like to have students complete any activities in an identifiable way. 

What or Who is GiGi?
Newly Added AI Virtual Assistant

You spoke and we listened. Are you ready for a game changer in your classroom? Say hello to GiGi, your friendly virtual assistant, in our Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT)! We believe that YOU are the superheroes of our schools—educating our future leaders while juggling a million different tasks. It's time to give you the support you truly deserve!

GiGi is designed to lighten your load. Whether it's managing classroom anxiety, building community, or simply keeping the love of learning alive, GiGi has your back. With easy-to-follow steps and creative ideas, GiGi will empower you and make your teaching journey a bit more fun and fulfilling.

What is GiGi?

GiGi is a custom AI-powered assistant created for educators and parents to make navigating the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) easier and more impactful for educators and parents. 

How is GiGi different from ChatGPT?

GiGi pulls from our world-class film and evidence-based, mental health resources and wellness insights that are featured in our toolkit including experts and institutions like Stanford, the Child Mind Institute, the University of Wisconsin Healthy Minds, top pediatric hospitals and more.

How can she help me?

GiGi takes complex brain science and wellness strategies and makes them accessible, practical, and easy to apply in your daily work. 

Is GiGi safe to use in the classroom or at home?

Yes. GiGi is safe and easy to use, she saves you time, reduces stress, and helps you focus on building meaningful connections with your students, all while supporting academic achievement and addressing issues like absenteeism.

What can GiGi do?
GiGi seamlessly helps incorporate our robust toolkit into your daily life and an provide support in just about every language.

GiGi, our virtual assistant, provides support in nearly every language, ensuring that our resources are inclusive and available to all communities. 

GiGi can provide a 2 min mindfulness activity for your 5th grade health class, create a 90 min educator training course on online safety and digital citizenship, provide a course of action to address a parent who is upset about their child who might be bullied or provide an activity for a staff meeting.

GiGi pulls from our world class knowledge base that incorporates information from some of the best mental health, health and educational institutions in the world and makes that information available to you in the context that best suits your situation. 

GiGi is in BETA so the experience is new but testing so far has been off the charts. Educators are loving it!

Is GiGi included in the licensing fee?
There is an additional fee but it's extremely affordable and worth every penny!

GiGi is new so we don't know how much educators are going to use her. Therefore we can't quite determine the exact cost yet as AI is new.

She is game changing for educators so the adoption might be fast in which case we will learn quickly how much it costs to run and maintain GiGi.

For now we are only adding a small percentage to the cost of the overall license. It will vary between 10% and 25%. 

Is GiGi safe to use?

GiGi pulls from the Creative Coping Toolkit's knowledge base which is contained. It has been carefully created and vetted with the help of some of the world's most respected institutions in health, wellness and education. 

She is new so if you get a response that you are curious about or want to bring to our attention please use the feedback button. We want to know. 

Let's grow GiGi's usefulness together, 

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What is the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT)?

The Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) is our award-winning film and evidence-based mental health literacy program for employers, employees, and their families. 


Is the CCT also good for corporations?

Yes. The CCT is a powerful program designed to educate employees. The program drives engagement with your EAP and ERGs. It also helps employees navigate their benefits. Visit to learn more about past clientele. 

Can employees share with their families at home?

Yes, absolutely! The CCT was designed for employers to provide access to their employees and families. The program is accessible for all ages and includes many useful resources and activities for young people. The tools can be successfully used in a self-guided manner within a household. 


When is the best time to launch or rollout the CCT?

Open enrollment, employee onboarding, ERG events, and seasonal wellness campaigns are our specialty. We support you with all the marketing materials and year-long engagement guidance you may need. We can discuss best-use strategies and work with you to design an implementation plan that fits your needs and goals. We also offer a built in impact reporting tool so you can see in real time how the program is performing in your organization. 

Is there any way to measure and track engagement and impact of the program?

Yes, the Creative Coping Toolkit has an online dashboard that includes interactive, embedded assessment tools and impact analytics. For facilitators, you can now see 24/7 how the program is performing in your community as the results are available on a password-protected, live-updated Engagement Report on your dashboard. Our strategies collect both qualitative and quantitative feedback, including click rates of tools, number of film views, cumulative test-your-knowledge quizzes, pre- and post-checks for chapter modules, post-viewing surveys, and more. Our impact tools gauge impact based on a community-wide approach, ensuring anonymity and personal privacy. 

Do you provide any marketing and engagement support?

Yes. It’s one of our favorite parts of the job. We partner with you to provide marketing, communication, and year-long engagement support. We also host virtual events such as virtual screenings, followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker or expert, fireside chats with leadership, AMAs with the filmmakers, and more. Our Engagement and Customer Support teams are available throughout your entire license period.

Do you work with companies of all sizes?

Yes. We work with small companies with 1-10 employees to large global corporations, such as Walgreens, Microsoft, KPMG, Salesforce, Levi’s, and many more. 


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How long has iMPACTFUL been in business?

iMPACTFUL, formerly iNDIEFLIX Education, has been in business since 2010. Every year we learn from our customers and are always evolving and refining our Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) to meet and support the communities we serve. We are in this together. 

Where is iMPACTFUL headquartered?

Our HQ is based in Seattle, WA and our employees work all over the country. 

How many employees work at iMPACTFUL?

We employ 24 amazing people who are all deeply committed to helping others and the communities we serve. 

How diverse is the company?

We are a privately-held woman-owned business and minority enterprise. Our leadership is predominantly women of color and the team ranges from Gen Z to seniors. 

Who founded the company?

Filmmaker, author, mental health advocate and mother of six, Scilla Andreen started the company initially co-founding IndieFlix Group 2005 and sold it to a public company in 2020. She bought the company back in June of 2023. 

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