October Newsletter Archive - Bullying Prevention Month


Did you know that 3 out of every 5 kids have been a target of bullying?

As parents, educators, and guardians, we must try new approaches to overcome bullying behavior online and create a safe and inclusive environment where students feel valued and protected.  

If you're looking for a fresh resource to support your efforts in bullying prevention, consider exploring The Upstanders Creative Coping Toolkit by iMPACTFUL. 

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  • Fostering Empathy and Inclusion
    • Our program provides a platform for open conversations among students about the impact of bullying. 
  • Empowering Students to Be Upstanders 
    • The CCT equips students with practical tools and strategies to transition from a bystander to upstanders. It empowers them to look at bullying through a different lens and create a supportive environment. 
  • Raising Awareness and Engagement 
    • The Upstanders CCT is a valuable tool to engage students, parents, and staff in meaningful discussions and exercises about bullying prevention. With our dedicated Engagement Team, we ensure year-long engagement and month-by-month planning and implementation. 
  • Tracking and measuring Impact 
    • With our new Engagement and Impact Reporting Tool (EIRT), faculty can easily measure our CCT's impact on your community. 

You don't have to do this alone! This Bullying Prevention Month, let's work together to make our schools and communities safe spaces for everyone. Here's to a month of promoting kindness, empathy, and unity. 

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