Last Thursday, the iMPACTFUL team hosted an inspiring walkthrough of The Upstanders Creative Coping Toolkit, an award-winning and evidence-based mental health literacy program. In just 30 minutes, we delved deep into the ways we have empowered communities and provided actionable next steps for individuals to take to create lasting change.
We also discussed how iMPACTFUL aids communities in opening conversations between students, teachers, and parents. We discovered ways to foster resilience and advocate for ourselves and others and learned how to move from being a bystander to becoming an active Upstander.
In case you missed it, we've included a full recording of the walkthrough below.
These walkthroughs are an exciting opportunity to learn how a film-based program can increase student engagement, performance, and overall well-being. This is the first installment of many, so make sure to follow us on socials to stay up-to-date on future walkthroughs!
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